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E-mail address: Click or kontakt@gonutrition.com 
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Popular products

Plastic packaging red/white, contents: Whey Protein 80 by GoNutrition
Whey Protein 80 Powder from GN
Plastic box with label. Contents: Vitamin D3 Pills by GoNutrition
Super Vitamin D3 Capsules from GN
Plastic packaging red/white, CONTENTS: Essential Protein by GoNutrition
Essential Protein Powder from GN

About GoNutrition

Screenshot of the GoNutrition website from 12.07.2018
Screenshot of the GoNutrition.com/en/ website from 12.07.2018

GoNutrition is a company founded in 2013 by Oliver Cookson (founder of Myprotein) and Neil Polland. It distributes sports nutrition and dietary supplements and is part of the Monocore Group. GoNutrition is based in Manchester, England. Transparency towards customers is very important to the company - whether ingredients or manufacturing process, all data is publicly available. For example, only natural flavours and colourings are used.

The ingredient list on the products is 100%ig transparent and itemisable. GoNutrition is committed to complying with the QUID ("Quantitative Ingredients Declaration"). This means that every ingredient printed on the label is given a percentage. 

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